
Your academic sponsor will serve at the center of your advising team. From your initial mini-classes to your baccalaureate exam, the conversations you have with your sponsor will guide you through your coursework, 实习, 重点领域和高级项目. These conversations will be informed by those you have with your assigned career coach and any additional student support services that you choose to access. 在一起, your advising team will work collaboratively with you, setting goals and mapping your personal path to success.


顾问资源 & 学生

Additional Advising resources for students and guidelines for faculty advisors can be found on the NCF Community Pages (MyNCF login required).


这个签名程序, 完全是网赌平台网站独有的, is designed to give you a competitive leg up in the job market—equipping you with transferable skill sets, while inspiring you with intellectually challenging courses.


What is required for your Baccalaureate Degree from New College?


Interested in a legal career or a career in medicine and healthcare? Learn about our Pre-Law and Pre-Health (including Pre-Med, Pre-Dental, 预审核, 和Pre-Pharmaceutical)计划.

当你从网赌平台网站毕业的时候, you can look back on having planned an individualized academic program, 广泛阅读和写作, done original research and completed a major thesis based on research or creative work in your Area of Concentration. These accomplishments are looked on favorably by the nation’s most prestigious post-graduate programs.

Acceptance rates for grad school are very high. From 2004 to 2008, for example, 87 percent of New College students who applied to a Masters/Ph.D. program were accepted, and 85 percent were accepted into law school. 著名的 《网赌平台网站》 网赌平台网站在全美排名第一. 2 public feeder school for elite law, medical and business schools. Of all science graduates since 1967, roughly one-third have earned an M.D. 或Ph值.D.

A survey of alumnae/i who graduated between 1996 and 2007 reveals much about their graduate school experiences. 以下是其中的一些结果:

  • 71% of respondents enrolled in at least one graduate or professional program since graduating.
  • 55% reported that they earned at least one degree or professional certificate.
  • 38%的人拥有硕士学位.
  • 17% enrolled in medical schools for veterinary medicine, pharmacy or medical degrees. All graduates with medical degrees reported being employed full-time in the medical field.
  • 10% were either enrolled or earned degrees in law.
  • 67% reported enrolling in doctoral level programs of study. Those who had earned their degrees landed careers as professors, psychologists and researchers.
  • Graduate school was a strong choice for alumnae/i who had graduated in these particular Areas of Concentration: Anthropology (70%); Biology (78%); Chemistry (86%); Literature (64%); Philosophy (65%) and Psychology (80%).
  • The top graduate or professional schools attended by New College graduates included the University of Florida, 威斯康星大学, 芝加哥大学, 哥伦比亚大学, 美国大学, 卡耐基梅隆大学, Yale University and the New School for Social Research.

剽窃 and cheating are not condoned at 网赌平台网站.

剽窃 is defined as “literary theft” and consists of the unattributed quotation of the exact words of a published text, or the unattributed 借款 of original ideas by paraphrase from a published text.

On written papers for which the student employs information gathered from books, 文章, 网站, 或者口述资料, 每次直接报价, as well as ideas and facts that are not generally known to the public at large, 或者形式, 结构, or style of a secondary source must be attributed to its author by means of the appropriate citation procedure. Only widely known facts and first-hand thoughts and observations original to the student do not require citations. Citations may be made in footnotes or within the body of the text.

剽窃 also consists of passing off as one’s own segments or the total of another person’s work.

作弊 定义如下:

  1. The unauthorized granting or receiving of aid during the prescribed period of a course-graded exercise: students may not consult written materials such as notes or books, may not look at the paper of another student, nor consult orally with any other student taking the same test;
  2. Asking another person to take an examination in his/her place;
  3. Taking an examination for or in place of another student;
  4. 窃取视觉概念, 比如图纸, 草图, 图, 音乐节目和乐谱, 图, 地图, 等.并把它们当作自己的;
  5. 偷, 借款, 购买, 或者传播测试, answer keys or other examination material except as officially authorized, 研究论文, 创造性的论文, 演讲, 等.
  6. 偷 or copying of computer programs and presenting them as one’s own. Such stealing includes the use of another student’s program, as obtained from the magnetic media or interactive terminals or from cards, 印出纸, 等.

Download the New College 学术欺骗 Booklet.