
这个签名程序, 完全是网赌平台网站独有的, 是为了让你在就业市场上有竞争力——让你具备可转移的技能, while inspiring you with intellectually challenging courses. 而不是一刀切的需求, New College offers students the opportunity to 绘制航线图 (CYC).

Want to sharpen your critical-thinking and ethical-reasoning skills, 获得公民知识和信息素养, 或者以上都有? 与本体,, you will create your own learning plan alongside your faculty adviser, 从直观可搜索的课程目录中进行选择,并根据您的学术和未来抱负制定路线图.

No matter what you choose to study during your years at New College, 你将获得广泛的基础教育和超越专业行业的各种跨学科技能. Today’s workforce needs candidates who are flexible and adaptable to changing trends. So explore your passions, expand your horizons and get ready to 绘制航线图 与我们.


CYC项目在两个不同但相互交织的层面上工作:与此同时,你要学习广泛的学科课程, you’ll be developing key skills that will help you succeed at New College and beyond. Every CYC course is labeled with the 3 chief skills it teaches, 比如解决问题, 跨文化知识或写作——这样你就可以通过你想要练习的技能来搜索课程(例如. 团队合作)和纪律(例如. 人类学). This makes it easy to choose courses that make the most sense for you, 理解你的教授试图教给你的东西, 把你在学习过程中学到的东西都表达出来.


CYC skills are essential skills that all students need to succeed in work, citizenship and life (here’s how the American Association of Colleges and Universities defines them). 而不是针对单一工作进行严格的专业培训, CYC will give you a toolbox of techniques to help you succeed at anything you want to do in life. 事实上, these techniques are the flexible soft skills most employers are looking for these days (such as 雇主希望在学生简历上看到的关键技能 和《网赌平台网站》 2021年招聘人员最看重的十大技能).

Every CYC course focuses explicitly on three of these skills, 你对自己的选择有很大的控制权. 你可以决定深入练习其中的一些技能, 或者获得广泛的不同技能.


If you’re a prospective student, or a student who started in or after Fall 2021:

是的! 而在2021年秋季之前开始的学生仍然需要学习旧的文科课程(LAC)。, CYC requirements—a total of 10 total units—apply to all students starting since then.

  • 转学和考试学分, 比如AP和IB考试或社区大学课程, 可以申请到CYC吗. (详情见下文!)
  • You can track your CYC status in the “Student 资源” tab of the Student Evaluation System (SES). This tracks not only what CYC breadth requirements you’ve completed, 而是跟踪你的CYC课程所关注的技能, so you can see which real-world skills you’re building over time.
  • 这部分课程为你提供了各种学科的经验,并帮助你在你可能从未探索过的领域找到激情.
  • 的 课程表 用一系列属性标记所有CYC课程. 这些会告诉你:
    • 有关课程是否符合“青少年青训营”的要求;
    • which breadth requirements it satisfies (attributes beginning with “CYC Breadth”, e.g. CYC广度-自然科学 or CYC广度-写作增强);
    • 以及对于CYC课程,他们将教授哪些技能.
  • 如果你在看一门特定的课程, 这些属性将帮助你了解该课程侧重于哪些技能,以及它所满足的广度要求.
  • You can also search by skill to help you choose courses that teach the skills you want to practice. 了解你的课程旨在教给你什么技能,将有助于你清晰地表达你在NCF学习的各种广泛技能.
  • 这部分课程帮助你专注于并发展最适合你未来的技能.
  • In the process of creating your contract each term, you’ll be asked to reflect on your progress. 合同的“反思”部分要求你考虑:你想要完成什么? What knowledge and skills have you gained, 以及他们将来会如何帮助你? 这份合同是一个机会,让你回顾自己是如何成长的,并展望这些经历将如何塑造你的未来. 你应该写这个反思——或者至少开始这样做——在每学期和你的导师见面计划你的课程之前. 同时, 和你的顾问谈谈你的反思会帮助你从你的咨询经历中获得最大的收获!
  • 初步AOC (PAOC)表格, 你将在你的第五份合同(大约在NCF传统四年的一半)中完成,它不仅要求你申报一个专注领域(AOC)。, but also to reflect broadly on what you’ve learned and the skills you’ve acquired—where you started, 你已经走了多远,下一步想去哪里.
  • This part of the program helps you look both backward and forward, and consider how you can apply your skills in the real world.
  • 如果你有佛罗里达州立机构的匿名戒酒会, 就算是完成了CYC的所有要求. 你完成!
  • 如果你没有AA, or your transfer credits come from a private or out-of-state institution, 注册办公室将根据你现有的成绩单决定你将获得多少学分. This goes for CYC courses as well as contracts and more general transfer credit.
  • As a rule, introductory or gen-ed courses from other institutions count to fulfill CYC requirements. 例外情况是数学(NCF要求三角学或更高)和写作(NCF要求200(0)级或更高)。.


If you’re a continuing student who started at New College before Fall 2021:

No! 文科课程(LAC)的要求仍然适用于2021年秋季之前开始的任何人. 这些都是:

  • LAC共8门课程
  • 各科1门LAC课程
  • 1多元视角课程
  • 数学要求
  • 写作要求(完成毕业论文并通过学士学位考试)
  • Civic Literacy requirement (fulfilled by transfer credit or exam)

像之前一样, 您可以在学生评估系统(SES)的“学生资源”选项卡中跟踪您完成LAC要求的情况。.

  • 的 课程表 已更新. 的 old system of marking each LAC course with an asterisk is being retired, and all LAC and CYC courses are now trackable using attributes attached to each course. 这些会告诉你:
    • whether a given course fulfills LAC and/or CYC requirements;
    • 以及CYC课程将教授哪些技能.
  • 如果你在看一门特定的课程, 这些属性将帮助你了解该课程侧重于哪些技能,以及它所满足的广度要求.
  • 你也可以通过技能搜索来帮助你选择教授你想要练习的特定技能的课程. 了解你的课程旨在教给你什么技能,将有助于你清晰地表达你在NCF学习的各种广泛技能.
  • You can also benefit from the skills and reflection elements of CYC:.
    • 的 “Goals” section of the contract has been replaced by a “Reflection”, 一个明确要求你反思自己进步的问题:你获得了哪些知识和技能, 以及他们将来会如何帮助你? What are your goals, and what do you still need to work on to accomplish them? 这份合同是一个机会,让你回顾自己是如何成长的,并展望这些经历将如何塑造你的未来. 你应该写这个反思——或者至少开始这样做——在每学期和你的导师见面计划你的课程之前. 同时, 和你的顾问谈谈你的反思会帮助你从你的咨询经历中获得最大的收获!
    • 也, 初步AOC (PAOC)表格, 你将在你的第五份合同(大约在NCF传统四年的一半)中完成,它不仅要求你申报一个专注领域(AOC)。, but also to reflect broadly on what you’ve learned and the skills you’ve acquired—where you started, 你已经走了多远,下一步想去哪里.
    • 的se elements will help you plan a path that makes sense for you, understand what you’ve learned and how you might apply it in future, 并向网赌平台网站以外的观众解释你的选择.
  • 关于 your learning path at New College and how LAC and/or CYC can contribute to your growth >> 你的指导老师.
  • 关于 particular LAC and/or CYC courses that you’re interested in taking >> 教他们的教授.
  • 关于 what your transfer credit counts for and what requirements you still have to complete >> 注册主任办事处 ((电子邮件保护) or 941-487-4230).

Fulfilling CYC Breadth Requirements by Transfer Credit or Exam

在其他学院完成的适当课程(包括高中入学时所修的双录取大学课程)可用于满足青共会的广度要求, as long as they are deemed eligible for transfer credit by the New College Registrar. 注册主任将与你一起确定哪些课程在其他机构完成可能是合适的.

在大学先修课程(AP)取得令人满意的成绩, 国际文凭(IB), 高级网赌平台网站认证(AICE), or College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations may be used to meet CYC requirements. In the event that you have taken two different exams on the same subject (i.e. IB和AP, 或AICE及AP), credit for only one satisfactory score may be given toward the corresponding CYC requirement.

点击 在这里 for a full list of exams and scores eligible for CYC credit. 考试成绩应显示在您的CYC状态报告中(在学生评估系统的“学生资源”下). 如果他们没有出现在那里, 书记官长办公室很可能没有正确地收到和处理这些申请. 请咨询注册办公室的工作人员和/或检查您的分数是否已正确提交给网赌平台网站:许多考试成绩不会自动作为您高中成绩单的一部分转移.

公民素养 要求因学生群体而异. 为了满足这一要求, 大多数在2021年秋季之后入学的学生必须通过一门课程(1865年以来的美国政府或美国历史)和一项测试(通常是佛罗里达州公民读写能力测试)。.

  • 的 following exams fulfill BOTH course and test requirements:
    • A score of 3 or higher on the AP exam in US Government and Politics
    • 美国历史AP考试成绩达到4分或以上
    • A score of 50 or higher on the CLEP American Government exam
  • 的 following exams fulfill ONLY the Civic Literacy course requirement; students who have achieved passing scores on these exams must also pass the Florida civic literacy test.
    • A score of A-E on the Cambridge AICE AS-Level exam in US History 1789-1917
    • 美国历史IB考试5-7分

的 赛数学 下列任何一项规定均可满足:

  • A score of 91 or above on the ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra exam
  • A score of 3 on any Advanced Placement (AP) mathematics exam
  • A score of 5 or higher on an 国际文凭(IB) mathematics exam
  • A score of 50 or higher on a College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) mathematics exam
  • 在2009年7月之前参加的大学水平学术技能测试的数学部分的及格分数
  • FTCE通识考试数学部分的及格分数或佛罗里达大学水平入学考试数学部分的91分或更高分数
  • A 2.平均成绩5分(4分).(0级)在传统的高等教育水平课程作业中被佛罗里达州教育委员会和佛罗里达州州长委员会确定为满足展示大学水平数学技能的要求. (详情请与注册处联络.)
  • 在另一所认可的学院或大学完成的相当于六个学期学分的数学课程, 并被认为有资格获得转学分. (详情请与注册处联络.)